Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pregnancy Update *12/27/11*

I'm 2 days shy of being 38 weeks today. I saw a great Doctor named Major Nutter. She told me that my 25lb weight gain is right on track. My blood pressure and belly are measuring right where they should be and the baby's heartbeat sounds great. When she went to listen to his heartbeat, he wiggled away and she said that shows that he's doing great in his neurological development as well. She felt around his body and estimates he is around 7lbs. She doesn't know if he'll get up to 7.14lbs like Tanner did. I guess we'll see. I went and got my flu shot as well as a shot that protects against whooping cough. My next appointment is scheduled for next Wednesday... It'd be really cool if I didn't make it to that appointment due to giving birth! I'm starting to tire more easily and my hips, pelvic area are constanty sore. It's hard to fall asleep at night, not due to discomfort, I just can't get my mind to shut off. I get an average of 5 hours of sleep at night. Not enough. Naps are pretty hit and miss. We still have yet to get his crib set up, bring his carseat in to get cleaned, or pack hospital bags. I did bring in his clothes and sorted and folded all of those. We need to get a dresser to put it all in though. I also need to buy a baby book... Lots to do still.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tanner's 2nd Birthday

Tanner started his 2nd birthday by cuddling in bed with Brandon and I.  We watched a little bit of cartoons and just hugged one another a lot!  I loved starting the day this way.  Brandon made Tanner's favorite breakfast; waffles and bacon!  We had to run into Fairbanks to take care of a few errands and then we came home for lunch and naps.  After nap time we got ready to head out to the community center at Eielson AFB.  There they have a play area and bouncy castles and rooms to hold parties.  We bought a few pizzas and a cake.  The whole evening was great!  Tanner had a blast with all of his cousins and friends that were there.

Tanner not enjoying the bouncy castle
Tanner and Madison
Tanner and Dan playing in the tubes

Brandon covering Tanner's mouth, to keep him from blowing the candle out, while we all got ready to sing.
Finally getting to blow the candle out.
I love Landon's reaction to blowing out the candle!
Mmmmmm... CAKE!
Opening gifts.
After all presents were opened the big kids went back to the play land.  The 2 year olds stayed behind to check out the loot!
Tanner received tons of great gifts from everyone. He was truly spoiled! I'm so thankful for everyone who showed up to love on my son. Thank you all for your birthday wishes on Facebook as well!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tanner at Two

Tanner made his way into this world two years ago today.  I can't believe how quickly two years have slipped by.  Tanner is a spit-fire; rowdy, loud with endless amounts of energy.  My son is gregarious; when in public he's saying HI! and waving to everyone.  I overheard a man telling his wife that Tanner was going to be a future mayor! He still isn't saying a whole lot of words, but he gets his point across.  He's still using some signs, he has some pretty awesome sound affects, and he uses the words he does have with lots of emphasis, usually on the wrong syllable, which makes me laugh!

My friend Brandi Powell does a list of favorites for her daughter each year.  I'm going to copy her list and start doing it for Tanner each year.

Tanner's Favorites at age 2

Book: A Thomas the Train search and find book, Green Eggs and Ham, a pop up animal alphabet book.

Toy: A red sock monkey that he sleeps with and drags all over the house with him in the morning and after nap time.  A little little 4 wheeler that he scoots around on even though he's too big for it.

Breakfast: Oatmeal made with milk with peanut butter mixed in.

Way to be silly: Fist pump to music. Somersault around the house.

Way to be bossy: Yell MOOOOOOM or DAAAAAAD and then proceed to jibber-jabber and point at what he's talking about. Tell the dogs DOWN or OUT! Yell GOOOOOO when the red light turns to green.

Thing to wear: PJ's

Word/Phrase: "Uh-Oh", "No-No" while wagging his finger, "Yucky",  "Hi". "Yee-Haw"

Color: I would say brown since anytime we paint he just mixes everything together!

Person to Call: Auntie Aut on the phone. Grandma Florence and Grandpa Brent on FaceTime.

Snack: At Auntie Bridgett's either lays potato chips or ghardettos.  At home; carrot sticks, cheddar cheese, fruity snacks, lucky charms.

Animal: His dogs, fish and birds at the pet store.

Movie: Rio

Game: Hide and seek, chase with his daddy.  Angry birds Rio on the iPad.  Wii Mario Cart.

Song: The Happy Birthday song.  5 little monkeys with actions.  Songs off of Rio.

Thing to do: Play in water; in the tub, sink, shower, dog dish, cups.

Place to play: His Auntie Bridgett's house with his cousins.  His buddy Daniel's house.

Thing to throw a fit over: EVERYTHING!!!! Just depends on the moment.

Way to help momma: He's great in the kitchen and with laundry.

Way to help daddy: Shovel snow.  Help chop and haul firewood to the house.  Tinker around in the garage.

Time of the day: Mornings. He likes his morning routine of getting up, having breakfast and watching cartoons.

Way to exercise: If I do workout videos he's right by my side doing them too.  He loves to walk around outside and terrorize the house.

Chore: Putting toys into their bins. Throwing his dirty diapers into the trash.

Place to go: To Brandon's work to play and have dinner.

New life skill: Putting his own big boy undies on. Brushing his teeth. 

Thing to do like momma: He likes to try to put my shirts on. Drink coffee or tea or hot cocoa.

Thing to do like daddy: DANCE!

Big person thing to do: Wash his body in the tub, brush his teeth, put big boy undies on.

Way to be sweet: Kiss me goodnight through the slats of his crib.

Thing to try to get away with: Slamming his hands on the TV.  Grabbing either my phone or Brandon's phone and running with it.  Hitting the dogs with kitchen utensils.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pregnancy Update *12/12/11*

We had another prenatal appointment today.  We were running late, but it didn't matter.  We still had to sit in the exam room for over an hour, waiting on the doctor.  I've gained a total of 23.3lbs to date.  My blood pressure is great and I'm measuring on track.  I got lectured on my weight, yet again... "Even with it being the holidays, we don't want your baby to gain over 1/2 a pound a week, so watch what you eat."  I wanted to tell her I'll watch what I eat, all right... I'll watch every bite as it goes into my mouth! hahaha I kept my mouth shut though.  The baby's heart rate was good and he's currently in the head down position.  I had the Group B Strep Swab done today... not such a fun swab!  We ended up being at Bassett for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Tanner was a wild man the entire time and I'm sure more than one person was glad to see us leave!
We received a lot of literature on pain-management options, labor and delivery and a when to call or come to labor and delivery.  I didn't use any drugs with Tanner and hope to go the same route this time as well.  We also got pre-registered for delivery.  It's all coming together.  My next appointment is in 2 weeks and I'll be seen by a midwife and not a doctor.  At the Bassett Army Hospital midwifes delivery the babies unless there are complications. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Bowling Tots

My friend Emily has been inviting us to go bowling with them for quite some time.  Today it actually worked out that we were able to!  We just let the kids bowl and it was a blast.  Two year old Dan is a pro, he bowls about once a week!  It was Tanner's first time but he caught on fast.  There was a dragon to send his ball down and bumpers to keep the ball out of the gutter.
The boys were great sports.  They gave each other hugs and high-fives and clapped for each other!  They did get quite distracted by the black lights and enjoyed dancing to the music a lot as well.

Tanner and Daniel with their 6lb bowling balls
Dancing in the lights
Daddy's with their sons
Daniel was able to carry the ball over and put it on the stand all on his own!

Emily 36 weeks, Me 35 weeks. Both preggo with our second and last boys!