Monday, June 20, 2011

18 Months

My baby turned 18 months old on Friday the 17th.  His 18 month well baby checkup was today and he's a happy healthy kid.  He is in the 50th percentile with his weight, height and head circumference, just as he's always been.
Weight: 25lbs
Height: 32.5"
Head Circumference: 18 3/4"
My niece Ella, who is 6 months older than Tanner, is just 1/4 inch taller and 1 pound heavier.  I think Ella will be able to hold her own when she has to go toe-to-toe with Tanner next month on her visit to AK with her family!

We were told that Tanner is doing great but we should help Tanner with his vocabulary, though we weren't given instructions how.  He can say words like; Hi, Bye, Down, Dada, Out, Shoes, Eye, Ear, Head, Hai (Hair), Tee (Teeth), Tou (Toung), Fee (Feet), Get it, Ewwww, Hot, Ike (bike), Dat (that), Dere (there), Ab-b-b-b-b (ball), Ap-m-m (apple), chis (cheese),  Dudu (Duckie our pug) and a few others. He's great with his animal sounds.  He uses sign language for More, All Done, and Eat.  We read and talk to him constantly.  I think he's doing fine.  He's able to get his point across for the most part and will just keep picking up on more words as time goes on.

He did relatively well when it came to getting his three shots. He screamed during the process and then as soon as his pants were pulled up and he had a sucker in his hand he was fine and fell asleep in the car before we made it home.

:: I've really been horrible about taking pictures of my little man, but will back to it tomorrow.  I'm charging the camera battery as we speak!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Morning Glory

I have been messing around with different settings on my camera the last few weeks. I'm not 100% happy with most of the pictures I've been taking, but I haven't allowed myself to put it on the auto setting.  I have had my camera for over a year and know it can do so much more than what I've been doing with it... gotta keep at it!

We spend 75% of each day outdoors right now.  With all the sunlight and warmth that we've been getting it'd be a waste not to!  I love it, Tanner loves it, the dogs love it... I think Brandon loves it... he is out there with us whether he loves it or not.  Tanner eats his breakfast  by 7am watches about an hour of cartoons and then we head outdoors til lunch time.  Sometimes he's dressed, sometimes he's still in his jammies.

I love his little closed eye smiles!

Flying R/C airplanes with dada

This is how he rides his trike... he can almost reach the pedals now!

Gotta love a bare bottom