Another great month of pictures with, Fat Mum Slim's, Photo a Day Challenge. I really love looking at everyone's pictures on Instagram. Here are Fat Mum Slim's instructions on sharing your photos with others.
INSTAGRAM: Upload your photo to Instagram, add a sweet filter and put #photoadayMay in the caption so others can see your photos {share to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr etc from Instagram if you like}
TWITTER: Upload your photo to Instagram, add some words to describe it and use the hashtag #photoadayMay so others can see your photos
FACEBOOK: Create an album titled something like, Photo a Day May, and make the album public, then upload your photos. It's a good idea to upload the list too so you can refer to it and others can see what you're doing. You can also share your photos on my Fat Mum Slim Facebook page. {Unfortunately I don't think people can tag my page in their photos. Facebook is being glitchy}.
PINTEREST: Upload your photos to a board, and use the hashtag #photoadayMay so that others can search for them.
BLOGS & TUMBLR: Upload your photos to your blog or Tumblr and share with the world.
FLICKR: Share your photos in the Photo a day group.
I hope more of my photography loving friends accept the photo a day challenge in June!!! It's a lot of fun and will really help you get those creative juices flowing, even if it's only for 2 minutes a day! You don't need a smart phone, or iPad, or iPod; your regular ol' camera will due just fine. Come on and join me, it's addicting!!!
Day 1: Peace ((Sometimes peace is buying an overpriced toy, at a second hand store, to keep you kid from throwing a tantrum when it's time to go!)) |
Day 2: Skyline |
Day 3: Something you wore today. |
Day 4: Fun |
Day 5: Bird |
Day 6: You |
![]() |
Day 7: Someone that inspires you. ((Nici Holt Cline. Montanan. Blogger. Photographer. Momma. Sewing Business)) |
Day 8: A smell you adore |
Day 9: Something you do everyday. |
Day 10: A favorite word. ((He passed his PT test!!!)) |
Day 11: Kitchen |
Day 12: Something that makes you happy. ((Getting my hair washed, trimmed, dried, and straightened)) |
Day 13: Mom. ((Me and my boys. My mom and her mom. My sisters and their babies.)) |
Day 14: Grass. ((Tanner tries to feed these cows dead grass every time we visit. They never eat it.)) Day 15: Love |
Day 16: What you're reading |
Day 17: Snack |
Day 18: Something you made ((A mountain of laundry)) |
Day 19: A favorite place. ((Anywhere with this rowdy group of boys)) |
Day 20: Something you can't live without. ((These people and the outdoors)) |
Day 21: Where you stand |
Day 22: Pink |
Day 23: Technology |
Day 24: Something New ((Brandon's new flight bag)) |
Day 25: Unusual ((No toys on the floor)) |
Day 26: 12 o'clock ((Nursing in the Tahoe while Tanner and Brandon shop)) |
Day 27: Something Sweet ((Mozzarella stuffed meatballs with SWEET BBQ sauce)) |
Day 28: The weather today ((Fishing at Little Lost Lake)) |
Day 29: A Number |
Day 30: Your Personality ((Down to Earth)) |
Day 31: Something Beautiful ((My wedding ring and everything is symbolizes... not my sausage fingers)) |