Saturday, November 21, 2015

Day to Day Routine

I'm a creature of habit. I thrive on routine.  Without Brandon around we have fallen into a very busy, but comfortable routine. Every morning we wake up, between 5am and 6am, and FaceTime with Brandon before he goes to bed. I get a 30 minute work out in and then the day begins with making lunches, showers, breakfast.

At this time a few of my commitments are; taking Tanner to school and picking him up every day, two Bible studies on different days, taking Dillan to story time at the public library, attending church on Sundays.  I have been wanting to do a couple play dates a week, I need to work harder at making this happen.
Coffee and Cocoa date after church.

Cookie he decorated, at story time, after reading a book about Turkey's.

Ready for my Thursday morning Bible study.

I'm currently trying to set Saturday aside where we plan on NOT going anywhere.  No errand running, no household chores.  Just baking, playing, staying in pajamas most of the day and relaxing.
This Saturday I took a break from making the usual pancakes, from scratch, (They had them five out of seven days this week) and made the boys french toast.  I gave the boys haircuts and and then threw them into the shower with Duckie.  I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. This was quite an experience.  Duckie's hair got EVERYWHERE and the shower curtain fell down on top of us.  The boys went to my shower to finish up! In the end everyone ended up clean and a little less hairy.

After school we do homework and then have an early dinner. The early dinner is a change for us.  When Brandon was home we'd normal have dinner around 5:00, now we eat closer to 4:00.  That gives us the rest of the afternoon/evening to get out and play.  One day, this week, my friend Ashley called us to her house around 5:00 and I helped her haul new mattresses and box springs into her house.  We tore down her kids' beds and put new ones together.  It was a challenging and fun evening!

This week in pictures;
Dillan is ready to go on a grand adventure after dropping Tanner off at school.

An evening scooter ride.  The sunset was gorgeous!

My friend, Morgan, dropped off homemade spiced bread and a latte! I put some of my homemade apple butter on it! A lovely day to start the day!

Ares and Ada, with the boys, watching the snow blow and waiting for their mom, Lawanna, to pick them up after school.

These two bottles of mixed red wine were such a fun gift!

Taking Ares and Tanner to school!

Dillan was so amazing at my dentist appointment this week!  He even got up and rubbed my leg at one point.
 This Friday Kameron and Kaleb's dad dropped them off with us and they spent a few hours, in the afternoon, with us.  Dillan enjoyed having a few buddies to hang with.  Their mom, Ashley, came over after work and they all had dinner with us.  It was a fun way to wrap up the school/work week!

Kameron and Kaleb tagging along to pick Tanner up from school.
 Tanner has been infatuated with the American flag for a few years now.  He'll get excited when he sees one flying as we drive through town.  He had told me that he was making an American flag at school, and Friday he came home with it! He wanted me to take this picture of him so that his dad could see it and be proud of him.
So proud of his flag.

A few of my favorite Saturday things; warm oatmeal cookies, a lotion from my sister Autumn, little boys with fresh haircuts!


At November 21, 2015 at 6:23 PM , Blogger Mandie said...

Wow you are a go getter! Way to go mama!!!


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